Tēnā tatou koutou,
Rabbits browsing and burrowing can cause significant damage to ecological areas, new plantings, sports turf assets, sports fields, and archaeological sites.
Rabbit control by night shooting will take place in coastal reserves around the foreshore at Omaha dunes (see map below, showing general area but not all individual parks / titles being targeted) on Wednesday 19 May, with rain dates on Thursday 20 May or Monday 24 May.
During this time, the park will be closed, security will patrol to ensure the shooter is notified of anyone entering the park and shooting will cease until the person(s) is/are removed from the park. Control will be using thermal imagery (no spotlights) and silenced .22 rifles. Police will be informed of shoots taking place. Adjoining neighbours overlooking the park will be informed by letter drop.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me using the contact details below.
Ngā mihi,
Sarah Gibbs | Senior Ecological Specialist
Community Facilities
Auckland Council