Submissions as part of Auckland Council’s consultation process on their proposed Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw have now closed.
The OBC, on your behalf emailed its submission to Council on 17th February 2019.
The Council have advised the following in relation to the next steps.
“We will analyse all submissions we received and will publish a summary of the submissions on this website.
Your feedback will be reviewed by a panel at public meetings on Thursday 4 April and Friday 5 April, 9.30am at the Auckland Town Hall, 301 Queen Street, level 2 reception lounge.
The panel will make recommendations to the Governing Body for their approval. We expect to make a decision to adopt the bylaw at the Governing Body meeting in May.
We would have to say that we are extremely disappointed, and concerned, with the whole process within Council.
We had to undertake a significant amount of work, and digging, to fully understand what was being proposed in this bylaw, and its implications – not just for Omaha Beach, but for all of Auckland City. Much of the vital information was not made clear in the consultation papers. We have included comment on this in our submission, and also communicated it to the 3 Councillors who were at the ‘Have your Say’ session in Warkworth on Saturday 16th February 2019 – which OBC committee members attended.
However, we will continue to lobby on your behalf.
A copy of our full submission to Council can be found here OBC Submission on Proposed Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw Feb19 (Final)