UPDATE FROM AUCKLAND COUNCIL: Proposed Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw |
Friday 23 August 2019 |
Tēnā koe,
Following deferral of the Freedom Camping In Vehicles Bylaw in June, our Governing Body received the hearings panel report this week and decided to refer the draft bylaw back to staff for further investigation. You can read more about the decision made by the mayor and councillors here. Our team willl provide councillors with new advice on a range of options, including the possibility of some form of general rule. Following this a new bylaw and Statement of Proposal will be developed and publicly notified for consultation with all Aucklanders. As a submitter on the original proposal, we would like to thank you for your input to date and encourage you to follow our progress with a new Statement of Proposal for a Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw. We will let you know when a new Statement of Proposal is adopted so you can provide your feedback during public consultation on this as well. If you’d like to learn more about this week’s meeting, you can read Mayor Phil Goff’s Chair’s Report here and watch the webcast of the Governing Body Meeting here. If you have any questions, please contact us. Kind regards Freedom Camping Team |