Whangateau Harbour Esplanade – Asbestos Management

Mike Feather from Auckland Council has kindly updated us on the project to address the asbestos concerns at Whangateau Harbour Esplanade Reserve.  The key points are: Close inspection has been made of the site to remove obvious fragments on the surface, as well as to take a number of soil samples to establish the stability…

Lodging of late submissions on Dome Valley Landfill

The Rodney Local Board has passed on the following information for anyone interested in lodging a late submission in regard to the proposal for a landfill in the Dome Valley: The submission period has indeed closed for both the resource consent applications and private plan change #42 (PC42) for the proposed Dome Valley regional landfill,…

UPDATED – Rabbit Cull Operation

We are advised by the Auckland Council’s contractor that a rabbit culling operation will be undertaken on the full-length of the Omaha dunes at the following times: Tuesday 23 June: Start 10:00 pm. Finish around 5:00 am – COMPLETED Wednesday 24 June: Start 10:00 pm. Finish around 5:00 am – POSTPONED (possibly to Thursday, 25…

Speed Reduction to 60 km/h on Causeway from 30th June

Under their Speed Limits Bylaw (see https://bit.ly/30F66gd), Auckland Transport will “set safe and appropriate speeds on roughly 700km of roads in areas around Auckland which pose the greatest safety risk to people“. Please note that, as a result, the speed limit on the Omaha causeway will reduce from 80 km/h to 60 km/h (as will…

Say NO to Warkworth Motorway Tolling Proposal

The NZ Transport Agency proposes to toll motorists on the new motorway from Puhoi to Warkworth, charging an additional $2.40 on top of the current tunnel toll, thereby making a one-way charge of $4.80. Please complete this NZTA survey/submission and say NO! Motorway Toll – NZTA Submission From past experience, you must complete the survey…

Dome Valley Landfill – Submission by Mahurangi East R&R

Here’s a helpful update from our friends at Mahurangi East R&R Association (MERRA) …. As you are likely aware Waste Management Ltd has now applied to Auckland Council for consent for the proposed new regional landfill at Dome Valley.  In response MERRA has lodged a submission with Council – see https://scottslanding.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/WMNZ-resource-consent-MERRA-submission-Final-03.05.pdf Our submission does three things:…