Omaha Beach Golf Club – Hospice Fundraiser

Please come and support the fantastic events at the Omaha Beach Golf Club over the weekend of 11-13th November to raise funds for the Warkworth Wellsford Hospice There is still plenty of room for teams of 4 for the Hospice Golf Day on Friday 11th of November.  The cost per team is $600. Gala Dinner tickets…

New Public Toilet Facility at William Fraser Reserve

We’re advised by Council that work will begin shortly at William Fraser Reserve to install a new toilet block next to the lower car park and playground, replacing the existing toilet facility in the basement of the surf clubrooms.  It will consist of: 6 x unisex pans and cubicles, 2 of which are accessible cubicles with…

Council Notification of Rabbit Control

24/8/22 UPDATE – Council has now confirmed the rabbit control work for Monday 29 August, with rain dates on Thursday 01 September, Monday 05 September or Tuesday 06 September. Please see this notification from Council mailed to some residents last week about planned rabbit control work in Omaha. In particular, note that shooting may occur during night hours…

Help shape the future of Omaha’s parks and reserves!

Hi, everyone – we need your help please to make sure Auckland Council has the right information about all our parks and reserves in Omaha. Council has published a Draft Rodney Local Parks Management Plan which “outlines how [Council] will manage local parks and protect their values over the next ten years” so it’s important…