Forest Bridge Trust – Winter Newsletter
Forest Bridge Trust Winter Newsletter
Many thanks from the community to all those who helped out with the planting day last month at Paraone Place and Quarry Reserve! 🙂
Hi, everyone – we’ve received this update from Aaron Pickering at the Auckland Council about upcoming work on the predator fence at the northern end. “You will no doubt be aware of the ongoing erosion eating away at the dunes in front of the eastern end of the sanctuary predator fence. The erosion and dune…
Here are the minutes of the June meeting between Watercare and community representatives (including Chris Allan from OBC Inc and Dennis O’Callahan from the Omaha Shorebird Protection Trust), along with environmental monitoring data for the Whangateau. DTOHA Minutes 23 June 2021 2021_06_CLG_Data
We are sorry to learn of the passing of our friend and neighbour, Tony Marks, last week. Tony led a very full business and family life and in recent years we enjoyed his friendly and energetic participation on the OBC committee. He will be sadly missed and we pass on our condolences to his wife,…
Hana Aickin, Senior Conservation Advisor (North) in the Environmental Services Unit of Auckland Council recently emailed the OBC: Kia ora koutou, Towards the start of the year Boffa Miskell reached out to the Rodney East community to help develop an Ecological Connectivity Roadmap. We’d like to thank you for your input and time reviewing the draft…
There has been some pleasing progress on a couple of traffic concerns recently. Causeway – after the lowering of the speed limit on the causeway to 60km/h last year, OBC has continued to lobby Auckland Transport for the deployment of an electronic speed sign to encourage compliance by motorists and we have now had confirmation…
The OBC Committee recently met with our key Auckland Council contacts about ongoing maintenance at Omaha, especially when the Council budget is under even more pressure than usual. The bottom line for Omaha residents is that we should continue to actively notify Council about any problems with a full expectation that they will be attended…
There are two planting days at 9.30am on Saturday, July 10th – one at Parone Place (Omaha South) and the other at the Quarry reserve. Come and join in one of these important community events!