Lawrie Road Community Recycling Centre temporarily closing

Breaking news – temporary site closure Lawrie Road Community Recycling Centre will temporarily close for redevelopment:  with support from central government, Auckland Council is undertaking a $2.4m redevelopment of the Lawrie Road Community Recycling Centre. When Auckland moves to Level 3, the site will remain closed for three working days to prepare to operate under…

No cats or dogs in the Shorebird Sanctuary!

Hi, all – let’s support the great work done by the Omaha Shorebird Protection Trust in protecting our shorebirds.  Here’s Denis O’Callahan from OSPT: It seems that in lockdown there are folks at Omaha who are not aware of the need to keep cats and dogs out of the Shorebird Sanctuary.  We have ample evidence from…

Wastewater Concern in Warkworth, not Omaha

We understand that unfortunately COVID-19 has apparently been detected in wastewater from Warkworth – see Stuff report. Please note that the wastewater from Omaha is treated at Jones Road, not Warkworth. Information on COVID-19 is available at